Kindness is the key to happiness.
and so is this hoodie designed by PAINT artist #NikolasHeitzArruda You can shop this hoodie and other PAINT artist designed fashion @officialchaosandkindness “Chaos & Kindness is a lifestyle brand dedicated to inspiring inclusion and acceptance through…
10 Years!This is not a prank! We are for real turning 10 this year! Our program has grown so much in the last 10 years and we cannot be more thankful for everyone who has supported us…
PAINT Art Program is with N8’s Designs
+ Chaos and KindnessWe kindness especially on this PAINT artist-designed shirt from @officialchaosandkindness This one is designed by #NathanChuey , an illustrator with an endless imagination! Thank you Chaos & Kindness for commissioning our artists and supporting such a…